Archive Lab FAQs

Do I need a library card to use the Archive Lab? No, all are welcome. However, new library users are encouraged to register for a library card in order to enjoy all the benefits of Manatee Library! 

What do I do when I arrive at the Archive Lab? Check in with staff at the Welcome desk inside the lab, which is on the 2nd floor of Central Library. First-time users will be asked to complete a User Agreement before starting a session. Staff will provide equipment orientation for first-time users; please be patient as they explain equipment and software features, this can take several minutes. The more specific you can be about what you would like to accomplish and your comfort level with technology, the better!

Do I need to book a session in advance? It is highly recommended to book in advance. Walk-ins are welcome to learn about the space, however be advised that equipment may already be in use when you arrive.

What if I need more time than one session allows? Users may book 2 sessions per week, including back-to-back sessions if available. Please do not use different email addresses to book more than 2 sessions per week; bookings beyond 2 per week for one user (even with multiple email addresses used) will be mediated.

What if I only need an hour or so? Go ahead and book a session.

Can I book simultaneous sessions so I can use more than one station at a time? No, you can only book and use one station at a time.

What types of equipment are available? What formats can be converted? Please see Equipment & Formats section on Archive Lab main page.

Will staff be available to help? Yes, one staff member will be in the lab to offer technical assistance and equipment orientation. To be most successful in digitizing items, users should have a moderate comfort level with computers since they will be responsible for digitizing their own materials.

How can I save my files?  Please bring a USB drive, external hard drive with USB cord, SD card, or use an online service like iCloud, Google Drive, OneDrive, or Dropbox (have your passwords at the ready, staff cannot assist with forgotten passwords). Only Wolverine equipment accepts a standard SD card (photo station and AV station) or DVD-R (AV station, Sony recommended).  

I don't have an external storage device yet. What should I purchase? Minimum
 16GB is recommended if converting video, audio, or photos to high resolution formats, but larger capacity is better if you plan to digitize numerous items over time. USB and SD card good brands ($8-$25 range): SanDisk, Kingston, Verbatim, Samsung, and PNY. External hard drive good brands ($60-$140 range): Seagate, Western Digital, Samsung, and Toshiba.

How long does it take to convert an audio or video recording? All audio and audiovisual materials convert in real time. For example, a 2-hour wedding video will take at least 2.5 hours to digitize, figuring in set up time, real-time conversion, and file transfer to storage device. Multiple sessions will be required to digitize AV items over 2 hours in length or multiple AV items. Users should book back-to-back sessions for one item over 2 hours in length. 

How much space will files take up on my storage device? Converted file size is difficult to predict. It depends on video or audio length, size of image or document, the resolution at which it is converted, file compression, file type, etc. AV files and TIFF image files tend to be quite large while JPG files are smaller. 

I have 100s of pages of printed 8x11 documents to scan, is the Archive Lab the best place to do that? No. It is better to use one of the Xerox copier/scanners located at any library location. They have a top feeder for large quantities of pages. For fragile or oversize documents or documents that are heavier than regular paper, book the Archive Lab. 

I want to save images from my phone to a flash drive, is the Archive Lab the best place to do that? No. You can use a computer at any library location to do that.

Can I digitize feature films, TV shows, music CDs, or books that I purchased? No. Federal law prohibits reproduction of copyrighted materials, even if you purchased or borrowed them. Home movies, “mixtapes”, scrapbooks, original artwork or photography, original publications, original music, or other original works may be digitized. 

Can I save my files to the lab computer to access at a later date? No. All external files on our computers are deleted after each session as required by our Information Technology department. Please be prepared to save your files to an external storage device or online service.

If I am converting audio or video materials, will I need to wear headphones to hear playback? Yes, you will need to wear headphones/earbuds with a headphone jack (not wireless) if you listen to playback so as not to disturb other users.  If you are not able to wear headphones or earbuds, staff can assist with testing audio at intervals. For public health reasons, we are unable to loan headphones/earbuds.

Can I digitize undeveloped film from my camera or a film canister? No. Once undeveloped film is exposed to light, it is damaged.

Can I install my own software or equipment to use on the computers? No. Library staff are also unable to do this on the computers, as required by our Information Technology department.

Can I drop off materials to be digitized and pick them up later? No, the Archive Lab is self-service and users are responsible for digitizing their own materials. 

Can I use the Archive Lab as a study room or meeting room? No, please see meeting room or study room availability here:

Is the Archive Lab ADA accessible? Yes. The lab is on the 2nd floor and is accessible by elevator. All stations are wheelchair accessible. Computer screens can be enlarged and text-to-speech narration can be turned on. Please note that users will need their own headphones/earbuds for audio use. Mobility assistance users are advised to park in the South parking lot which has ADA parking spaces and an ADA accessible entrance. 

Can the Archive Lab be booked by groups who want to learn about it together? Yes, school groups, church groups, & organizations may book a group session. We will need 60 days' notice. Please email [email protected] to facilitate a group booking. Groups are limited to a maximum of 15 people due to capacity of the room.

I am under 18, can I use the Archive Lab? Yes. Parents or legal guardians must first sign a User Agreement for any users under 18. All users must be 12 and older, in accordance with library policy regarding unsupervised youth.

Can I eat or drink in the Archive Lab? No. Crumbs and spills can cause equipment malfunction.

Still have questions? Please email us at [email protected]