Traffic & Roadway Safety


Traffic Safety Event

Saturday, January 11, 2025
9 a.m. to Noon
GT Bray Park
5502 33rd Avenue Drive, Bradenton

Traffic and Roadway Safety

Manatee County is committed to providing a safe and convenient multi-modal transportation system to accommodate all users, including, but not limited to motorists, cyclists, pedestrians, transit and school bus drivers, delivery and service personnel, freight haulers, and emergency responders.


Manatee County collaborates with various stakeholders to plan, engineer, design, and implement transportation projects and programs throughout the County. Achieving traffic and roadway safety for all users is complex and requires a comprehensive approach.


 One such approach, as adopted by the United States Department of Transportation’s (USDOT’s) Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) is the Safe System Approach. Objectives of a Safe System Approach are – Safer People, Safer Road, Safer Vehicles, Safer Speeds, Post-Crash Care.

A Safe System Approach incorporates the following principles:

  • Death and Serious Injuries are Unacceptable
  • Humans Make Mistakes
  • Humans Are Vulnerable
  • Responsibility is Shared
  • Safety is Proactive
  • Redundancy is Crucial

                 This is a circular diagram about the Safe System Approach. On the circumference is a band with six safe system principles: Death and serious injuries are unacceptable, humans make mistakes, humans are vulnerable, responsibility is shared, safety is proactive, and redundancy is crucial. Inside this, the circle is divided into five sections with logos representing each section: Safer vehicles, safer speeds, safer roads, post-crash care, and safer people.
Source: USDOT and FHWA

MOBILITY WEEK 2023 (October 27 - November 3)

Manatee Mobility Week is a cooperative effort by Manatee County, MCAT, FDOT and partners to promote awareness of safe multimodal transportation choices. During this week, Manatee County hosts events to collectively share information with the public about transportation choices and safety along with community-building.

FDOT Mobility Week Site

Manatee County Mobility Week Event  

Walking Quick Tips

  • Always use sidewalks and crosswalks.
  • Be visible. Wear bright, reflective colors on your clothes, shoes, belts, and wristbands.
  • If no sidewalks are present, walk on the shoulder a safe distance from the travel lane, facing oncoming vehicles.

          Pedestrian Safety

Biking Quick Tips

  • Always wear a helmet.
  • Ride in the same direction of traffic on the street.
  • Be visible, especially at night. Always use a white front light and a red rear light and reflector.
  • Obey traffic signs, signals, and markings.

         Bicycle Safety


 Driving Quick Tips

  • Focus on the road.
  • Avoid distractions while driving.
  • Always watch for pedestrians.
  • Slow down. Speed is the cause of 27% of crashes.
  • Pass bicyclists safely. Allow a minimum of three feet between your vehicle and the bicyclist.

         Motorist Safety