Pay Utility Bill Online Help

Welcome letters with your new account information were mailed out. If you didn't receive a welcome letter, you can find your new account number on your next bill statement.

Delinquency procedures are resuming as of January 22, 2025. If your account is delinquent, you will receive several notifications, via phone and mail, prior to action being taken on your account, which includes late fees and potential service disruption.

Manatee County Utilities is pleased to offer new and exciting enhancements to the customer experience, including an all-new billing system, customer self-service (CSS) portal, updated bill design, and new phone number for making payments via our automated phone system.

To sign up for Customer Self-Service (CSS), all customers were sent a welcome letter. This welcome letter included:

  • Your new account number; and
  • A customer self-service code, which is required to create your new profile when logging in for the first time

If you did not receive a welcome letter, your new account number and customer self-service code will also be included on all future billing statements.

Once your customer self-service (CSS) profile is created, you will be able to make a payment and set up recurring payments, access consumption history, and more.

  • If you currently have recurring payments or a bank draft, you will need to set up a new payment schedule.
  • Please note that Manatee County Government has implemented a procedural change and will no longer be absorbing the transaction fees for customer credit card payments. However, paying via Checking or Savings accounts will remain free of cost to customers.
Please email us your questions at [email protected]. Don't forget to include your service address or account number.


Once you have received your welcome letter or your next billing statement, visit the Customer Self-Service (CSS) website and click the Sign Up Now button.

  1. Fill out the Registration information
    • First Name: Enter your first name.
    • Last Name: Enter your last name.
    • Password: Enter the password you want to use to log into CSS in the future.
  2. Click Next.
  3. Fill out the Registration information
    • Email Address: Enter the email address you want to use to receive a verification code and register to your account.
      • This request will expire in 3 days if it is not verified.
      • A verified email is required to make payments using CSS.
  4. Click Next.
  5. Fill out the Registration information
    • Verification Code: A 6 digit verification code was sent to the email entered. Enter the 6 digit verification code. if you did not receive an email, check your spam folder or click Resend Verification Code.
  6.  Click Next.
  7. Fill out the Registration information
    • Account ID: Enter your new Utilities Account Number (ex: 100XXXXXXX), found on your welcome letter or next billing statement.
    • Activation Code: Enter your unique 8 character activation code from your welcome letter (ex: A1B2C3D4) or next billing statement.
  8. Click Create Account to complete the registration.
  9. Complete the Account Contact Info section to stay up to date with the latest information on your account.
    • Add Address: Enter your mailing address.
    • Add Phone Number: Enter your phone number.
    • Add Email Address: Enter your email address.

Logging into CSS

To use Customer Self-Service, you need to be registered using your new account number. Once registered:

  1. Visit the Customer Self-Service (CSS) website.
  2. Enter the Email Address you established when you registered.
  3. Enter the Password you established when you registered.
  4. Click the Sign In button.  

Adding a Payment Method to My Wallet

From the Quick Links section, customers can click on Manage Wallet view, add, edit, or delete a stored payment method. Customers can store virtually an unlimited number of payment accounts in their Wallet.


Adding a Debit Card Payment Method to My Wallet

  1. From My Wallet, click Add Payment Method.

2.Select the Debit tab.

  1. Enter your Debit Card number.
  2. Enter your card CVV number.
  3. Enter your card expiration date.
    • Expired cards will not be accepted.
  4. Enter the cardholder's name from the card.
  5. Enter your card’s billing zip code.
  6. Read the Payment Authorization terms, and click 'I authorize' .
  7. Click Add.

Adding a Credit Card Payment Method to My Wallet


  1. From My Wallet, click Add Payment Method.
  2. Select the Credit tab.
  3. Enter your Credit Card number.
  4. Enter your card CVV number.
  5. Enter your card expiration date.
    • Expired cards will not be accepted.
  6. Enter the cardholder's name from the card.
  7. Enter your card’s billing zip code.
  8. Read the Payment Authorization terms, and click 'I authorize' .
  9. Click Add.

Adding a Checking/Savings Payment Method to the Wallet


  1. From My Wallet, click Add Payment Method.
  2. Select the E-Check tab.
  3. Select Checking or Savings
  4. Enter your bank routing number.
  5. Enter the Checking or Savings account.
  6. Confirm the Checking or Savings account. 
  7. Enter the Bank Name.
    Enter the Name on account.
    Click Add.

Managing Payment Methods in the Wallet

You can view, edit, and delete payment methods in My Wallet.

Viewing a Payment Method




Editing a Payment Method

  1. From your Manage Wallet screen, select the Edit icon for the Payment Method you want to view.
  2. Choose Edit from the menu that appears.
  3. Edit the information, once complete, click Confirm to save changes.  
You can edit the following information:
  • Expiration date
    • While editing a credit card account, the card type or credit card number cannot be edited. If the card type or card number should be changed, you can delete the existing account and add a new payment account.
    • While editing a checking or savings account, the account type, account number, or routing number can be edited.

Deleting a Payment Method  

  1.   From your Manage Wallet screen, select the Edit icon for the Payment Method you want to view.
  2. Choose Edit from the menu that appears.
  3. Edit the information, once complete, click Remove Payment Method to save changes.

Automatic Payments

At the top of the Account Summary screen, you can set your preferences.

  1. Click on Enroll in Automatic Payments to update your Automatic Payment Settings.

Setting Up Automatic Payments

Setting Up Automatic Payments

  1. Under the Automatic Payments section, select your payment method.
  2. Click Continue.
  3. OPTIONAL: You may choose to enter a Maximum Payment Amount to set the maximum amount you will allow the system to process.  
    • If your amount due to be drafted via automatic payment is higher than what you define here, your automatic payment will not process. In that instance, you would need to make a one-time payment.
  4. Drop the Schedule Notification Preferences drop down menu, select if you would like to be reminded in advance of a scheduled payment.
  5. Check the I Authorize this Payment type box.
    • You must select this checkbox to acknowledge that you accept the terms and conditions before the automatic payment schedule can be submitted. You can review the terms and conditions by clicking the link above.
  6. Check the I Authorize the Payment box.
  7. Click Create AutoPay to save changes.

Editing Automatic Payments

Editing Automatic Payments

  1. On the Preferences menu, click on the pencil icon next to Enroll in Automatic Payments.
  2. Select Edit from the Autopay menu.
    • You may also select Delete if you wish to stop the Automatic Payment.
  3. If you have another payment method in your Wallet, you may select another method.
  4. You may choose to enter a Maximum Payment amount and check the Set Maximum Payment Limit box to set the maximum amount you will allow the system to process.  
  5. Any changes will require you to accept the Payment Authorization again.
  6. You may click on Remove Schedule or Confirm to your save your changes.

Processing Fee

Please note there was a procedural change made by Manatee County Government last spring and county wide we are no longer absorbing transaction fees for customer credit card payments. If you choose to pay using a credit or debit card, there will be a $2.50 processing fee with a maximum amount of $500 per transaction. Paying using checking or savings account will remain free of charge for our Utilities customers.


Manatee County customers are now able to request rebates, rain barrels and many other special requests from their Customer Self-Service

Special requests include:

  • Adjustments
  • Contact Information Update
  • Rain barrel sales
  • Conservation rebates
  • Solid waste
Visit our Water Services page for more information.




Need to talk to someone about your CSS account?

  • Email [email protected].
    • (Please be aware that email responses may take up to 72 hours)
  • You can also call Customer Service at 941-792-8811 from 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. to confirm that all information is up-to-date and accurate in our system.