MANATEE COUNTY, FL (October 2, 2022) – Within 48 hours of Tropical Storm-force winds exiting the region, Manatee County response and resources were being dispatched to a new hazard
—flooding in the Myakka City area.
On Saturday, rescue crews—going door-to-door in trucks, boats, airboats and high-water vehicles—performed welfare checks for folks whose rural residences were surrounded by the rising waters of the swollen Myakka River.
In addition, County leadership, including Administrator Scott Hopes, responded personally to the east County area to discover exactly what the residents there were needing most.
“We want to respond to the human needs,” said Dr. Hopes. "We are putting people first.”
On Sunday, the county commenced Day Two of operations at the Myakka Community Center, with breakfast provided by the Salvation Army. The mobile kitchen will also help distribute lunch, dinner and snacks at what is now being referred to as the Myakka Command. In addition, tarps, bug spray, water, sunscreen, ice and even propane are being staged for distribution to those in need.
This material delivery is in addition to the over 130 Manatee County employees—from all departments—who have responded to a call for volunteers to man generator stations, answer 3-1-1 calls and assist with any other response and rescue efforts. County Emergency Operations Center functions—ongoing since last weekend—have been staffed by over 100 dedicated workers throughout the emergency, while hundreds of first responders, utilities and public works employees have answered the call to support the community.
“I could not be prouder of the of the entire Manatee County Government team and response,” said At-Large Commissioner George Kruse.”
The recovery efforts will remain in place at the Community Center until all unmet needs are taken care of. As the water continues to recede slowly . . . that may take some time.